Cloud Security Checkup

Discover your cloud security strengths and weaknesses with our free, no-commitment Cloud Security Risk Assessment. Get full access to the Orca Cloud Security Platform for 30 days to identify the most significant security threats in your cloud environment. Our agentless platform is quick and easy to deploy, with no impact on your workloads, no decrease in performance, and no organizational disruption.

In just three simple steps, deploy the Orca Cloud Security Platform, run an initial scan, and receive complete visibility into your cloud estate and the most critical security risks in less than 24 hours. Compare your cloud security posture to industry standards with the Orca Security Score, calculated by analyzing your performance in five critical security categories. Take control of your cloud security with Orca today

This program also includes

1×1 with Cloud Security Expert

An Orca cloud security expert will walk you through the Risk Assessment program and answer your questions to ensure you’re set up for success!

Key Risk Findings Report

A detailed summary of your cloud security risks and an executive presentation with an Orca expert who will review the downloadable report findings with you.

Full Access to the Platform

Get full access to Orca’s platform for 30 days and immediately get actionable insights and remediation recommendations for your most critical security risks.

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